25+ Years of Legal Experience
➣ Northwestern School of Law of Lewis & Clark College, J.D. received, 1996, with a focus on the laws of estates and taxation.
➣ Journal: International Legal Perspectives, Lead Articles Editor
➣ Moot Court: Individual Honors for best appellate brief
➣ Publications: “Giving Banks a Blank Czech: An Emerging Corporate Governance Model,” 7 Int’l. Legal Perspectives 25, 1995.
➣ “The Difficulty of Asserting Judicial Review in the Republic of Kazakhstan: A conversation with Constitutional Court Justice Victor Alexandrovich Malinovsky,” 8 Int’l. Legal Perspectives 89, 1996.
➣ University of Cincinnati, B.A. Economics, Summa Cum Laude, Distinguished Honors Scholar recognition, 1993
➣ Outstanding Woman Graduate, class of 1993
➣ Class standing: 4 of 976; GPA: 3.97; Dean’s Honors List, all quarters
➣ Thesis: “Patterns of Environmental Degradation in Mexico and the Theory of Sustainable Development: Improving Upon Traditional Cost-Benefit Analysis”
Academic Achievements:
➣ Updated Richard A. Posner’s study on antitrust enforcement. Member of a team which assembled a comprehensive database on antitrust litigation.
➣ Assisted Dr. George Vredeveld in an economic study of the actual educational benefit of increased governmental spending on education.
Other academic activities and honors:
➣ Phi Beta Kappa, inductee with highest G.P.A.; Omicron Delta Epsilon; Pi Sigma Alpha.
➣ Monthly Campus Newsletter: Established and published Political Action newsletter.
➣ 1991 National Honors Scholars Conference in Chicago: Delivered paper on cultural barriers.
➣ National United Nations Competitions: Competed in 1991 and 1992 competitions; acted as Head Delegate for 1992 conference.
➣ Merit-Based Awards: Elenor Hicks Award, William Howard Taft Fellowship, Citicorp Bank Scholarship, Hewett Fellowship in Economic Study, Dean Joseph Caruso Academic Achievement Award, Melba Phillips Bowers Prize.
Located in Eugene, Oregon