While it’s not a legal requirement to employ a probate attorney in Oregon, having one cansignificantly ease the process, especially in complex or contentious situations. It’s beneficial toconsult with a probate attorney to get an initial assessment of your situation. Whether you need toemploy a probate attorney in Oregon depends on several factors related to the estate you are dealingwith. Here are some considerations to help you decide:

• Complexity of the Estate: If the estate is large, has a lot of assets, involves complexinvestments, or has significant debts, a probate attorney can be extremely helpful. They canguide you through the legal intricacies and help manage complicated financial matters.

• Family Dynamics: If there are potential disputes among heirs or beneficiaries, or if the willis contested, having a lawyer can help navigate these challenges and mediate conflicts.

• Understanding of Probate Law: Probate law can be complex and varies by state. If you arenot familiar with Oregon’s probate laws, it may be wise to hire an attorney to ensurecompliance and to avoid potential legal pitfalls.

• Availability of Time and Skills: If you don’t have the time or skills to manage the probateprocess yourself, a lawyer can handle these responsibilities on your behalf.

• Type of Property and Assets: Certain types of property, like businesses, out-of-state realestate, or valuable collections, may require special handling in probate, which a probateattorney can provide.

• Existence of a Will: If there’s no will (i.e., the estate is intestate), the probate process canbe more complicated, making an attorney’s guidance more valuable.

• Size of the Estate: Some smaller estates might qualify for a simplified probate process inOregon, reducing the need for an attorney.