Estate Planning, Planned Giving, Business Law, & Real Property Transactions

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So far probateattorneyoregonadmin has created 8 blog entries.

What is probate?

Probate in Oregon is a legal process that occurs after someone passes away, involving the validationand distribution of their estate. The purpose of probate is to ensure that the deceased person's assetsare properly transferred to their heirs or beneficiaries, and any outstanding debts and taxes aresettled. This essay will delve into the key aspects of [...]

By |2024-02-19T17:00:13+00:00January 8th, 2024|Frequently Asked Questions|0 Comments

Who inherits from an estate in Oregon if there is no will

In the state of Oregon, the distribution of an estate in the absence of a will is governed by the lawsof intestate succession. When an individual passes away without a will, also known as dying“intestate,” the state of Oregon provides a framework for determining how the deceased person'sassets will be distributed among their heirs. The [...]

By |2024-02-19T17:00:13+00:00January 8th, 2024|Frequently Asked Questions|0 Comments

Can I do probate myself in Oregon?

Yes, you can handle the probate process yourself in Oregon without an attorney, especially if theestate is relatively straightforward. This is known as being a "pro se" personal representative oradministrator. However, it's important to understand that the probate process involves a series oflegal and financial responsibilities, and you should be comfortable managing these tasks. Here [...]

By |2024-02-19T17:00:13+00:00January 8th, 2024|Frequently Asked Questions|0 Comments

How much does an estate have to be worth to go to probate in Oregon?

In Oregon, the value of an estate that requires formal probate depends on several factors. Here's abreakdown: • Small Estate Affidavit: Oregon allows for the use of a Small Estate Affidavit for smallerestates, which can bypass the formal probate process. An estate may qualify for thissimplified process if: The total value of the personal property [...]

By |2024-02-19T17:00:13+00:00January 8th, 2024|Frequently Asked Questions|0 Comments

Do I need a probate attorney Oregon?

While it's not a legal requirement to employ a probate attorney in Oregon, having one cansignificantly ease the process, especially in complex or contentious situations. It's beneficial toconsult with a probate attorney to get an initial assessment of your situation. Whether you need toemploy a probate attorney in Oregon depends on several factors related to [...]

By |2024-02-19T17:00:13+00:00January 8th, 2024|Frequently Asked Questions|0 Comments

How much is a probate lawyer in Oregon?

The cost of hiring a probate lawyer in Oregon varies depending on several factors, including thecomplexity of the estate, the experience level of the lawyer, and the size of the law firm. Here's abreakdown of what you can expect: • Average Hourly Rate: The average hourly rate for lawyers in Oregon is about $275,however, rates [...]

By |2024-02-19T17:00:13+00:00January 8th, 2024|Frequently Asked Questions|0 Comments

Compensation for Personal Representatives in Oregon Probate Cases

Introduction: The role of a personal representative in the probate process is crucial, as it involves managing anddistributing the estate of a deceased person. In the state of Oregon, the compensation for personalrepresentatives is determined by law and is designed to be fair and reasonable. This essay willexplore the factors that influence the payment, the [...]

By |2024-02-19T17:00:13+00:00January 8th, 2024|Frequently Asked Questions|0 Comments

Navigating Probate in Oregon: Signs You Need a Probate Attorney

Probate is a legal process that occurs after an individual passes away, involving the validation oftheir will and the distribution of their assets. In Oregon, as in many other states, the probate processcan be complex and daunting. While not everyone needs a probate attorney, there are certainsituations where seeking legal counsel becomes crucial. Size and [...]

By |2024-02-19T17:00:13+00:00January 8th, 2024|Frequently Asked Questions|0 Comments
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